Wednesday, January 2, 2013


So far, I am trying to do so well on the resolutions.  I watched what I had for lunch and didn't have a soft drink either (gasp!).  I'm in the process of finding healthy recipes (if I find any worth sharing, I will) and will start to cook more and exercise more.  Luckily we have a Wii.  Between that and work, I should be good!  As long as I can keep up the motivation, I'll be in good shape (figuratively--and hopefully literally by the end of the year).  I have been couponing and trying to find good deals to save money.  I'm still a rookie, so I'm not that good yet...but I will get better. 

The taking time for me thing...not going so well.  I feel like I have so much on my plate and I'm always going, going, going.  If I could get the dear husband to help, it may be a lot easier. 

Good luck on your resolutions! 

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!!

I'm hoping 2013 is the best year yet!  I have made resolutions that I'm hoping to keep. I'm going to share those with you and I will share my progress (hopefully) with you as well. 

1. Lose weight (isn't this everyone's first resolution--or so it seems!)
2. Gain more financial independence.
3. Eat healthier--less take out!
4. Save more money on groceries and other stuff.
5. Take better care of myself/take more time for myself!
6. Keep the house clean... (any volunteers to help?)

I have also created my bucket list that I hope to start tackling this year as well! I made a book with 100 things I want to do before I die and have a page for each item to journal about it!  I will share bits and pieces of that with you all as the year progresses as well!

Best wishes for the new year.  I hope it finds you happy and healthy!